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Ideal Open House

What does a good open house look like to you?

An open house is a mini event hosted by a seller or realtor designed to showcase a property without potential buyers scheduling an appointment in advance. The goal is to increase in person listing traffic and possibly identify a buyer.

Fundamentals for an open house include safety, organization, and informative.

Safety - At an open house anyone can come visit the property. We highly recommend doing them with a partner or small group for this reason. It is best to have a sign in area at the entrance of the property so it is not easily avoidable as well. You can keep track of who is viewing and who has left the event.

Organization - Keep a sign in sheet with names, contact info, and time that the attendees stopped by. This allows you to keep track of recent visitors and follow up with them regarding interest in the property after the open house.

Informative - Make sure the open house adds value for the attendee. Do this by being well prepared for questions and having a property highlight sheet on standby. A property highlight sheet should have relevant characteristics and updates to the property.

Pro Tip - Serving food and drinks at open houses is not recommended despite common practices. This is due to allergies that vary from person to person. This may result in a medical situation and less than ideal possible legal circumstance.

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